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NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Climate Change, Human Health and National Security. Apr 2011. PDF Print E-mail

28th – 30th April, Dubrovnik, Croatia


This workshop is supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, and hosted by the University of Notre Dame and the University of Zagreb. Participants of this workshop will explore the intricate relationships between climate change, human health and the security of nations, and how these relationships are mediated by conflicts arising from scarcity of water resources, impacts on food production, rising energy demands, and deteriorating human health and behavioural changes. The intended outcome is the publication of a document outlining the state-of-the-art of understanding of these issues and their interrelationships as well as identification of future research and policy and management needs.  Prof. J. Ganoulis from the UNESCO Chair INWEB will present a paper entitled “Impacts from Climate Change on Water Resources at the River Catchment Scale”.