You are here: HomeEvents → International Roundtable on Water and Energy Nexus in transboundary basins in Southeastern Europe (SEE), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6-8 November 2013.
International Roundtable on Water and Energy Nexus in transboundary basins in Southeastern Europe (SEE), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6-8 November 2013. PDF Print E-mail
The International Roundtable on Water and Energy Nexus in transboundary basins in  Southeastern Europe (SEE), was  organized and supported by the German Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Regional Cooperation Council, Global Environment Facility (GEF) IW:LEARN project and the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean.
The Roundtable aimed to:
  • Bring together practitioners and decision makers in SEE in fields related to water resources management – representing the main water uses and users - on the one hand and hydropower production on the other - with the aim of identifying areas of cooperation and coordination between these two “communities”;
  • Discuss hydropower production in transboundary basins with the aim of identifying (i) related challenges and priority ....