SIDE EVENT: Lecturing Methodological Guidelines


UNESCO Pilot course on
Transboundary Groundwater Management
13 th -14 th October 2008
Thessaloniki, Greece |
Lecturing Methodological Guidelines
Session 1, role play:
Led by the moderator, the lecturers, assisted by the participants, will play the roles of different stakeholders in the process of drafting up a transboundary groundwater management agreement between two countries: preparation, discussion (negotiation techniques), solution (agreement), evaluation (self and external-debriefing).
Sessions 2 and 3, levelling:
These sessions last for four hours, with a coffee-break of half an hour. The first two hours are divided up into four formal presentations of half an hour each, then coffee-break, then one and a half hour of round-table discussion with the participants. The theme of each formal presentation will be identified through an exchange of e-mails between the lecturers, Jacques Ganoulis and Jean Fried. The presentations should be complementary.
During his/her presentation, the lecturer is expected to mingle the formal lecture on the fundamentals of the theme with questions and answers to stimulate a lively dialog with the participants. The questions and answers could be a way for the lecturer to understand what the participants really know and how they react to the teaching, like a kind of evaluation test. Also it should help the lecturer in adjusting his/her presentation to better adapt to what the participants know.
Each lecturer is expected to attend each session, either as a lecturer or as a participant.
Session 4, integration:
Session 4 is a practical training exercise based on existing case histories. Its objective is to test the participants on their ability to work and understand each other as an integrated team, using their newly acquired knowledge and their own experience, and to show in a live way how a transboundary groundwater issue should be treated in reality.
Session 4 lasts for four hours, with a coffee-break of a half hour: a first hour divided up into two formal case histories presentations of half an hour each, and then an hour of roundtable discussion based on the presented cases, and then coffee-break for half an hour, and, finally, the last hour and a half of more general brainstorming discussion, on the general understanding and use of the knowledge presented during the levelling sessions.